Animatic actual final version

After feedback and my own editing I finished the drawing stage of the animatic.

I then met with several drama students and volunteers and recorded the voice work. It worked out really well.

I then moved onto the more difficult part- adding all the audio. I received a really good piece of music back from my collaboration with a sound student which made things slightly easier, but I still needed to add the foley and level everything. It took me about a week and a half but i think I have a version that will allow me to animate to it-

Various Environment Designs

I worked on environment designs over the past week.

After sketching a few basic shapes I cam up with the designs for the shrines. I wanted them to be smooth and curved as they are meant to be old so they would of weathered. I really like painting rocks so I decided to keep them made out of stone instead of wood or minerals. Below are the fixed designs, as they are when Eseld finds them, and the glowing versions-

I also worked on a few backgrounds.

Here is the river crossing scene (with character placed for scale)-

And a few painted scenes with the shrines-

I want to work on the snowy version a little bit more, but overall my decision to use a soft pencil as the background and keep the foregrounds sharp seems to be working well overall

(edit 16.01.19- painted remaining two shrines)

Final animatic (no sound)

Here is the finished animatic for the project. Sound version will be uploaded by the end of the week-

(make sure to play at max quality)

I’m finally happy with the whole piece. I think it runs well and when I played it to th voice actors it got a good reaction which was really reassuring

I’ve also been experimenting with background work and the TVPaint brushes because I really want to improve on the faults of my previous project.

Animatic V2 (new ending)

After messing around with the timing and script I eventually managed to come up with a pretty consistent story. Although things may change by the final product, I feel much more confident with the current iteration of the story. Animatic below (only half of it is drawn on model but I wanted to update the blog)-

Next week I am going to record audio. After that I can add sound to it and hopefully finish before christmas

New Alternative Script

Based on feedback I needed to give my character more motivation and lines so I created a new script. I changed a lot but I’m overall more comfortable with it. The plot is a little more uplifting and like stories I like personally. I feel more comfortable writing adventure than I do body horror/tension.

Script below the cut

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